What is an energy audit?
A energy audit performed by Kloberdanz Consulting provides agricultural producers and small businesses an evaluation of their current energy usage and identifies improvements that will decrease their energy usage and improve their bottom line.
Scope can be specific to a large equipment upgrade or be an operation-wide assessment that looks at all energy-consuming facets of your business. Past utility bills are analyzed using to determine current-state energy usage and proposed improvements are evaluated leveraging our Energy Assessment Tool™ to determine the return on investment and payback period. Most involve an on-site visit by the energy consultant. The final report includes a full written energy assessment and analysis of the project.
Why sign up for a farm energy audit?
Significant opportunities exist for agricultural producers and small business owners who are interested in making energy efficiency improvements to their operations. Your completed energy assessment and improvement plan will be a critical piece of a REAP grant application, NRCS EQIP application, or utility rebate submission.
The USDA’s Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) provides financing and funding to agricultural producers and rural small business to make energy efficiency improvements and/or install renewable energy systems. The National Resources Conservation Service’s (NRCS) Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) Energy Initiative offers cost-share funding for energy conservation improvements. In addition, many utility providers offer rebates as an incentive to make energy-efficient upgrades.
Eligibility, funding method and amount, and competitiveness varies by program. Contact me to learn more about these opportunities and find out which is the best fit for your unique operation and goals.
Why choose Kloberdanz Consulting?
Since 2009, I've specialized in agricultural and rural energy programs, completing hundreds of energy audits and feasibility studies for ag producers and small businesses in the Midwest and beyond, for use in REAP grants, EQIP applications, and utility rebate programs. I am both a registered Technical Service Provider through the NRCS (a requirement for EQIP applications) and a Certified Energy Manager® through the Association of Energy Engineers.
I love rural communities and understand the challenges ag producers face. I grew up in rural Northeast Iowa and have family ties to both agriculture and rural electric cooperatives. I live in Des Moines, Iowa, but have stayed true to my roots by helping ag operators in rural communities increase their operation's energy efficiency and bottom line.

Where do we start?
The first step is giving me a call. I’ll learn more about your operation and what projects you’re considering, and we’ll discuss your funding options, application requirements, and timing. Should you decide to pursue an energy audit, I’ll be there assist you in working with the government agency or utility company and answer questions along the way. Contact me today to get started!